Source code for

import logging
import numpy as np

# ====================
# Set up module logger
# ====================
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_stress_transformation_matrix(theta): """ returns a stress transformation matrix that transforms a stress vector from fiber coordinates into a strength plane with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane. :param theta: rotation angle :return: transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray) """ trans_matrix = np.zeros((3, 5), dtype=float) c = np.cos(theta) s = np.sin(theta) trans_matrix[0, 0] = c ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 1] = s ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 2] = 2 * c * s trans_matrix[1, 0] = -c * s trans_matrix[1, 1] = c * s trans_matrix[1, 2] = c ** 2 - s ** 2 trans_matrix[2, 3] = s trans_matrix[2, 4] = c return trans_matrix
[docs]def get_T_strain_2d(theta): """ returns a 2d strain transformation matrix that transforms a global strain vector to a strain vector in fiber coordinates with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane. :param theta: rotation angle :return: transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray) """ trans_matrix = np.eye(3, 3, dtype=float) c = np.cos(theta) c2 = np.cos(2 * theta) s = np.sin(theta) s2 = np.sin(2 * theta) trans_matrix[0, 0] = c ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 1] = s ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 2] = 0.5 * s2 trans_matrix[1, 0] = s ** 2 trans_matrix[1, 1] = c ** 2 trans_matrix[1, 2] = -0.5 * s2 trans_matrix[2, 0] = -s2 trans_matrix[2, 1] = s2 trans_matrix[2, 2] = c2 return trans_matrix
[docs]def get_T_strain_3d(theta): """ returns a 3d strain transformation matrix that transforms a global strain vector to a strain vector in fiber coordinates with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane. :param theta: rotation angle :return: transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray) """ trans_matrix = np.eye(6, 6, dtype=float) c = np.cos(theta) c2 = np.cos(2 * theta) s = np.sin(theta) s2 = np.sin(2 * theta) trans_matrix[0, 0] = c ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 1] = s ** 2 trans_matrix[0, 6] = 0.5 * s2 trans_matrix[1, 0] = s ** 2 trans_matrix[1, 1] = c ** 2 trans_matrix[1, 6] = -0.5 * s2 trans_matrix[6, 0] = -s2 trans_matrix[6, 1] = s2 trans_matrix[6, 6] = c2 return trans_matrix
[docs]def get_strain_at_z(global_strains, z): """ returns the local strain interpolated from two given stresses :param global_strains: :param z: location at which stress should be calculated :return: Stress at z location """ eps_0 = np.array(global_strains[:3]) kappa_0 = np.array(global_strains[3:]) return eps_0 + z * kappa_0
[docs]def force_symmetry(matrix, symmetry): r""" Enforce symmetry in a given matrix :param matrix: matrix with equal number of rows and columns :param symmetry: method of symmetry enforcement. Options: - None: No symmetry is being enforced - 'upper': upper-right elements are mirrored to lower-left elements (:math:`n_{ij} = n_{ji}; \; if: i>j`) - 'upper': lower-left elements are mirrored to upper-right elements (:math:`n_{ij} = n_{ji}; \; if: i<j`) - 'upper': upper-right elements are mirrored to lower-left elements (:math:`n_{ij} = \frac{n_{ji}+n_{ij}}{2}; \; if: i \neq j`) :type matrix: numpy.ndarray :type symmetry: str or None :return: """ symmetric_matrix = matrix.copy() if symmetry is None: return symmetric_matrix for index, x in np.ndenumerate(matrix): if symmetry == 'upper': if index[0] > index[1]: symmetric_matrix[index] = matrix[tuple(reversed(index))] if symmetry == 'lower': if index[0] < index[1]: symmetric_matrix[index] = matrix[tuple(reversed(index))] if symmetry == 'mean': if index[0] != index[1]: symmetric_matrix[index] = np.mean((matrix[index], matrix[tuple(reversed(index))])) return symmetric_matrix