


class material_mechanics.materials.composites.FiberReinforcedPlastic(fiber_material, matrix_material, fiber_volume_fraction, *args, **kwargs)[source]

defines a fiber reinforced material consisting of two constituents, fiber and embedding matrix

both materials need to be of a material type derived from ElasticMaterial

  • fiber_material (pymat material) – fiber material
  • matrix_material (pymat material) – matrix material
  • fiber_volume_fraction (float) – volume fraction of fiber material
  • name (str) – (optional) material name. Default is None
  • strength (dict of floats) – (optional) material strength values of the composite at the provided fiber volume ratio. Default is None


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> print(frp_material)
Name: CarbonFiberHT_EpoxyResin_65, fiber volume fraction: 0.65, Fiber: Carbon Fiber HT, Matrix: Epoxy Resin'

return the fiber material of the fiber reinforced material

Returns:fiber material
Return type:ElasticMaterial or derived class

return the fiber volume ratio of the fiber reinforced material

Returns:fiber volume ratio
Return type:float

return the matrix material of the fiber reinforced material

Returns:matrix material
Return type:ElasticMaterial or derived class
class material_mechanics.materials.composites.Laminate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a laminate object with an empty stacking


a factory class for creating laminates exists and it’s use for creating laminates is encouraged (see StandardLaminateFactory)

  • name (str) – (optional) name of the laminate, default is None
  • layer_stiffness_symmetry (str or None) – (optional) sets the method of enforcement of symmetry in the layer materials stiffness matrix. For details on the algorithm for symmetry enforcement please see force_symmetry(). Default is ‘upper’. Options: (‘mean’, ‘upper’, ‘lower’, None)


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> lam_fzb = mm.Laminate()
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))

return the shell stiffness matrix of the laminate as defined in the classical lamination theory

Returns:shell stiffness matrix
Return type:numpy.ndarray

return the abd Matrix of the Laminate using classical lamination theory

Returns:stiffness matrix of the combined shell and plate element
Return type:numpy.ndarray
add_layer(layer, *args, **kwargs)[source]

add a layer to the laminate

Parameters:layer (Layer) – layer to add to the end of the laminate


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> lam_fzb = mm.Laminate()
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(name='my_layer', material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> print(lam_fzb)
1 - Name: my_layer, Material: CarbonFiberHT_EpoxyResin_65, Thickness: 0.25, Orientation: 45.0'

return the laminates area weight

Returns:laminate area weight in \frac{g}{cm^2}
Return type:float

Return the coupling matrix of the laminate as defined in the classical lamination theory

Returns:coupling matrix
Return type:numpy.ndarray

calculates the plate stiffness matrix of the laminate as defined in the classical lamination theory

Returns:plate stiffness matrix
Return type:numpy.ndarray

return the materials density

Returns:density in \frac{g}{cm^3}
Return type:float

return the strains in the layers of the laminate resulting from an external planar loading of the laminate

The laminate strains are [\varepsilon_x, \varepsilon_y, \gamma_{xy}, \kappa_x, \kappa_y, \kappa_{xy}] and are the resulting global laminate strains from an external loading of the laminate, calculated by the classical laminate theory (CLT). This step is done in the get_strains()

Parameters:laminate_strains – global laminate strains
Returns:strains of the layers at the bottom and the top of each layer
Return type:list of lists of numpy.ndarray


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> lam_fzb = mm.Laminate()
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> line_loads = np.array([100, 50, 10, 20, 5, 3])
>>> laminate_strains = lam_fzb.get_strains(line_loads=line_loads)
>>> layer_strains = fzb_lam.get_layer_strains(laminate_strains=laminate_strains)
>>> for i, ls in enumerate(layer_strains):
>>>     print(f'Layer {i+1}\nBottom strain:{ls[0]}, Top strain:{ls[1]}')
Layer 1
Bottom strain:[ 0.00029482 -0.00024698  0.000611  ], Top strain:[ 0.0003601  -0.00010048  0.00032269]
Layer 2
Bottom strain:[ 2.91153430e-04 -3.15320675e-05 -4.60576048e-04], Top strain:[ 0.00025289  0.00021852 -0.00037935]
Layer 3
Bottom strain:[ 4.60294158e-05  4.25381385e-04 -3.43704880e-05], Top strain:[0.00019254 0.00049066 0.00025394]
Layer 4
Bottom strain:[0.00046857 0.00021463 0.00029813], Top strain:[0.00071862 0.00017637 0.0002169 ]
Layer 5
Bottom strain:[0.00071862 0.00017637 0.0002169 ], Top strain:[0.00096868 0.0001381  0.00013568]
Layer 6
Bottom strain:[0.00048555 0.00062123 0.00083057], Top strain:[0.00063206 0.00068651 0.00111889]
Layer 7
Bottom strain:[ 9.98395044e-05  1.21872905e-03 -5.44556546e-05], Top strain:[6.15767194e-05 1.46878128e-03 2.67684241e-05]
Layer 8
Bottom strain:[ 0.00075179  0.00077856 -0.0014072 ], Top strain:[ 0.00081708  0.00092507 -0.00169552]

return the global laminate strains resulting from a planar external loading.

The laminate strains are calculated through the laminates ABD matrix. The external load is defined by the line load vector [n_x, n_y, n_{xy}, m_x, m_y, m_{xy}]. The line loads n are given in \frac{N}{mm} and the line moments m in N

Parameters:line_loads (numpy.ndarray) – line load vector
Returns:laminate strains
Return type:numpy.ndarray


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> lam_fzb = mm.Laminate()
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=0.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=135.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=90.))
>>> lam_fzb.add_layer(mm.Layer(material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.))
>>> line_loads = np.array([100, 50, 10, 20, 5, 3])
>>> lam_fzb.get_strains(line_loads=line_loads)
array([ 0.00071862,  0.00017637,  0.0002169 ,  0.00100021, -0.00015305, -0.0003249 ])

Return the number of layers in the laminate

Returns:number of layers
Return type:int

Return the laminates thickness

Returns:laminate thickness in mm
Return type:float

return the lower and top coordinate of each layer

Returns:List of tupels. Each tuple holds the upper an lower coordinate of the layer in reference to the laminate central plane
Return type:list of tuples
class material_mechanics.materials.composites.Layer(material, thickness, orientation, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Layer class to be used in the Laminate class

  • material (ElasticMaterial or derived class) – The material of the layer
  • thickness (float) – thickness of the layer in mm
  • orientation (float) – orientation of the layer in degrees
  • name (str or None) – (optional) name to reference the layer by


>>> import material_mechanics as mm
>>> # fiber definition
>>> name = 'Carbon Fiber HT'
>>> stiffness = dict(e1=230000, e2=13000, g12=50000)
>>> poisson = dict(nu12=0.23, nu23=0.3)
>>> fiber = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson, density=1.74)
>>> # matrix definition
>>> name = 'Epoxy Resin'
>>> matrix = mm.isotropic_material(name=name, stiffness=3200.0, poisson=0.3, density=1.2)
>>> # fiber volume content
>>> phi = 0.65
>>> # fiber reinforced material initialization
>>> frp_material = mm.FiberReinforcedPlastic(
>>>     fiber_material=fiber, matrix_material=matrix, fiber_volume_fraction=phi
>>> )
>>> layer = mm.Layer(name='my_layer',material=frp_material, thickness=0.25, orientation=45.)
>>> print(layer)
Name: my_layer, Material: CarbonFiberHT_EpoxyResin_65, Thickness: 0.25, Orientation: 45.0

return the area weight

Returns:area weight of the layer in \frac{g}{cm^2}
Return type:float
compliance_matrix(*args, **kwargs)[source]

calculate the compliance matrix of the layer in the laminate coordinate system (i.e. in the 0° direction)

Returns:layer compliance matrix
Return type:numpy.ndarray

return layer material

Returns:layer material
Return type:ElasticMaterial or derived class

return the name of the layer

Returns:layer name
Return type:str

return layer orientation

Returns:layer orientation in degree
Return type:float
stiffness_matrix(*args, **kwargs)[source]

calculates the stiffness matrix of the layer in the laminate coordinate system

Returns:layer stiffness matrix
Return type:numpy.ndarray

return layer thickness

Returns:layer thickness in mm
Return type:float


class material_mechanics.materials.elastic_materials.ElasticMaterial(stiffness, poisson, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Creates an elastic material

  • stiffness (list) – stiffness values of the material in \frac{N}{mm^2}
  • poisson (list) – poisson ratios of the material
  • strength (list) – (optional) strength values of the material in \frac{N}{mm^2}, default is None
  • density (float) – (optional) material density in \frac{g}{cm^3}, default is None


import material_mechanics as mm

stiffness = [(10000, 3000),(8000, 2500),(5000, 1800)]
poisson = [(0.3, 0.02),(0.28, 0.02),(0.34, 0.34)]

mat = mm.materials.elastic_materials.ElasticMaterial(stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson)

This class is not available at the top level since the use of the factory functions is encouraged. The same result as in the above example can be achieved by using the function orthotropic_material()


Return the materials compliance matrix for three-dimensional stress states

Returns:compliance matrix (6x6)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Return the materials compliance matrix for two-dimensional stress states

Returns:compliance matrix (3x3)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

return the material density :return: density :rtype: float

get_poisson(index=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

return a poisson ratio of the material in the requested direction

  • index (int, str or None) –

    (optional) index of the requested poisson ratio, default is None, returning the major poisson ratio in direction \nu_{12}


    • \nu_{23}: (23, ‘23’, ‘yz’, ‘YZ’)
    • \nu_{32}: (32, ‘32’, ‘zy’, ‘ZY’)
    • \nu_{13}: (13, ‘13’, ‘xz’, ‘XZ’)
    • \nu_{31}: (31, ‘31’, ‘zx’, ‘ZX’)
    • \nu_{23}: (12, ‘12’, ‘xy’, ‘XY’, None)
    • \nu_{32}: (21, ‘21’, ‘yx’, ‘YX’)
  • precision (int) – number of decimal points of the requested poisson ratio

requested poisson ratio

Return type:



poisson ratios are in international notation. The first index points to the causing strain. The second index points to the resulting strain.


import material_mechanics as mm

stiffness = [(10000, 3000),(8000, 2500),(5000, 1800)]
poisson = [(0.3, 0.02),(0.28, 0.02),(0.34, 0.34)]

mat = mm.materials.elastic_materials.ElasticMaterial(stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson)

nu12 = mat.get_poisson()
nu12 = mat.get_poisson(12)
nu32 = mat.get_poisson('32')
get_stiffness(index=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

return a stiffness value of the material in the requested direction

  • index (int, str or None) –

    (optional) index of the requested stiffness value, default is None, returning the major stiffness in direction ‘11’


    • E_{11}: (1, 11, ‘1’, ‘11’, None, ‘x’, ‘X’)
    • E_{22}: (2, 22, ‘2’, ‘22’, ‘y’, ‘Y’)
    • E_{33}: (3, 33, ‘3’, ‘33’, ‘z’, ‘Z’)
    • G_{23}, G_{32}: (23, 32, ‘23’, ‘32’, ‘yz’, ‘YZ’, ‘zy’, ‘ZY’)
    • G_{13}, G_{32}: (13, 31, ‘13’, ‘31’, ‘xz’, ‘XZ’, ‘zx’, ‘ZX’)
    • G_{12}, G_{21}: (12, 21, ‘12’, ‘21’, ‘xy’, ‘XY’, ‘yx’, ‘YX’)
  • precision (int) – number of decimal points of the requested stiffness

requested stiffness

Return type:



import material_mechanics as mm

stiffness = [(10000, 3000),(8000, 2500),(5000, 1800)]
poisson = [(0.3, 0.02),(0.28, 0.02),(0.34, 0.34)]

mat = mm.materials.elastic_materials.ElasticMaterial(stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson)

e1 = mat.get_stiffness()
e1 = mat.get_stiffness(11)
g12 = mat.get_stiffness('12')
get_strength(index=None, direction=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

return strength value of the material in the requested direction

  • index (int, str or None) –

    (optional) index of the requested stiffness value, default is None, returning the major stiffness in direction ‘11’


    • R_{11}^{+/-}: (1, 11, ‘1’, ‘11’, None, ‘x’, ‘X’)
    • R_{22}^{+/-}: (2, 22, ‘2’, ‘22’, ‘y’, ‘Y’)
    • R_{33}^{+/-}: (3, 33, ‘3’, ‘33’, ‘z’, ‘Z’)
    • R_{23}: (23, ‘23’, ‘yz’, ‘YZ’)
    • R_{32}: (32, ‘32’, ‘zy’, ‘ZY’)
    • R_{13}: (13, ‘13’, ‘xz’, ‘XZ’)
    • R_{31}: (31, ‘31’, ‘zx’, ‘ZX’)
    • R_{12}: (12, ‘12’, ‘xy’, ‘XY’)
    • R_{21}: (21, ‘21’, ‘yx’, ‘YX’)
  • direction (str or None) –

    (optional) tensile or compression, default is None (resulting in tensile strength values)


    • tensile: (1, ‘1’, ‘+’, ‘tensile’, ‘t’, ‘plus’, ‘p’, ‘positive’, ‘pos’, None)
    • compression: (-1, ‘-1’, ‘-‘, ‘compression’, ‘c’, ‘minus’, ‘m’, ‘negative’, ‘neg’, ‘n’)
  • precision (int or None) – (optional) number of decimal points of the requested stiffness

requested stiffness

Return type:



import material_mechanics as mm

stiffness = [(10000, 3000),(8000, 2500),(5000, 1800)]
poisson = [(0.3, 0.02),(0.28, 0.02),(0.34, 0.34)]

mat = mm.materials.elastic_materials.ElasticMaterial(stiffness=stiffness, poisson=poisson)

r1 = mat.get_strength()
r1 = mat.get_strength(11)
r12 = mat.get_strength('12')

Return the materials stiffness matrix for three-dimensional stress states

Returns:stiffness matrix (6x6)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Return the materials stiffness matrix for two-dimensional stress states

Returns:stiffness matrix (3x3)
Return type:numpy.ndarray


class material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.ChangedFvcFrp(material, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A factory class to get an FRP material from an existing FRP with changed fiber volume content

Parameters:material (FiberReinforcedPlastic) – the base FRP Material from which to calculate the generated materials
get_material(phi, *args, **kwargs)[source]

return a fiber reinforced plastic with the same constituents as the base fiber reinforced plastic but changed fiber volume content

Parameters:phi (float) – fiber volume content of the new fiber reinforced plastic
Returns:a fiber reinforced plastic material with the provided fiber volume content
Return type:FiberReinforcedPlastic
class material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.ChangedFvcPuckSet(puck_set, resin_strength)[source]

A factory class to generate puck sets from an existing puck set with changed fiber volume content

Parameters:puck_set (PuckStrengthSet) – the base puck set from which to generate new puck sets
get_material(phi, *args, **kwargs)[source]

returns a puck set with changed fiber volume content based on the puck set provided at initiation

Parameters:phi (float) – fiber volume content of the new puck set
Returns:puck set with the provided fiber volume content
Return type:PuckStrengthSet
class material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.StandardLaminateFactory(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Factory class for creating laminates

  • material (ElasticMaterial or derived) – (optional) Default material for each layer of the laminate. May be overwritten in layer dicts. Default is None
  • layer_thickness (float or None) – (optional) Default layer thickness for the laminate. May be overwritten in layer dicts. Default is None
  • symmetry (str or None) –

    (optional) symmetry mode of laminate, default is None


    • None: No symmetry is forced
    • ’center_layer’: The symmetry plane of the last layer is the symmetry plane for the laminate, so all but the last layer are mirrored by this plane
    • ’full’: (catches all strings but ‘center_layer’) all layers are mirrored at the plane defining the lower border of the last plane, including the last layer
get_laminate(layers, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a Laminate

  • layers (list of dicts) – stacking of a laminate defined as dicts. each dict holds the parameters of the layer (‘thickness’ in mm, ‘orientation’ in degree, ‘material’). ‘thickness’ and ‘material’ may be set at the initiation of the class, in which case they may be omitted in the layer dicts. If provided at method call, init values of parameters will be overwritten.
  • symmetry (str or None) –

    (optional) symmetry mode of laminate, default is None


    • None: No symmetry is forced
    • ’center_layer’: The symmetry plane of the last layer is the symmetry plane for the laminate, so all but the last layer are mirrored by this plane
    • ’full’: (catches all strings but ‘center_layer’) all layers are mirrored at the plane defining the lower border of the last plane, including the last layer


Return type:


class material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.StandardLayerFactory(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Standard Factory for Layers

Standard values for the parameters may be provided at initiation. Parameters that did not receive a value at initiation, need to be set when the get_layer method is called. If not a ValueError is raised.

  • material (ElasticMaterial or None) – Layer material
  • thickness (float or None) – Thickness of the layer in mm
  • orientation (float or None) – Orientation of the Layerin degree


All materials derived from ElasticMaterial, like FiberReinforcedPlastic, can be used in a Layer.


import material_mechanics as mm

stiffness = dict(e1=140000, e2=9000, g12=4600)
poisson = dict(nu12=0.3, nu23=0.37)
density = 1.5

cfk = mm.transverse_isotropic_material(

steel = mm.isotropic_material(

FixedMaterialLayerCreator = mm.StandardLayerFactory(material=cfk)
layer_1 = FixedMaterialLayerCreator.get_layer(thickness=0.1, orientation=30)
layer_2 = FixedMaterialLayerCreator.get_layer(thickness=0.1, orientation=60)
layer_3 = FixedMaterialLayerCreator.get_layer(thickness=0.1, orientation=90)

FixedThicknessLayerCreator = mm.StandardLayerFactory(thickness=0.2)
layer_1 = FixedThicknessLayerCreator.get_layer(material=steel, orientation=30)
layer_2 = FixedThicknessLayerCreator.get_layer(material=cfk, orientation=45)
layer_3 = FixedThicknessLayerCreator.get_layer(material=steel, orientation=60)

# standard values may also be overwritten
layer_3 = FixedThicknessLayerCreator.get_layer(thickness=0.1, material=steel, orientation=60)
get_layer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a layer with a material, thickness and orientation.

If the values for material, thickness and/or orientation where provided at initiation, they may be omitted or be overwritten.

  • material (ElasticMaterial) – (optional) Layer material, default is material provided at initialization of class
  • thickness (float) – (optional) Thickness of the layer, default is thickness provided at initialization of class
  • orientation (float) – (optional) Orientation of the Layer, default is orientation provided at initialization of class


Return type:


material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.isotropic_material(stiffness, poisson, density, *args, **kwargs)[source]

create a material with isotropic properties

  • density (float) – material density in \frac{g}{cm^3}
  • stiffness (float) – material stiffness in \frac{N}{mm^2}
  • poisson (float) – material poisson’s ratio
  • strength (float) – material strength in \frac{N}{mm^2}

material with isotropic properties

Return type:


material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.orthotropic_material(stiffness, poisson, density, *args, **kwargs)[source]

create a material with orthotropic properties


poisson ratios are in international notation. The first index points to the causing strain. The second index points to the resulting strain.

  • density (float) – material density in \frac{g}{cm^3}
  • stiffness (dict) – dictionary of material stiffness in \frac{N}{mm^2}
  • poisson (dict) – material poisson ratios
  • strength (dict) – dictionary of material strengths in \frac{N}{mm^2}

material with isotropic properties

Return type:


material_mechanics.materials.material_factories.transverse_isotropic_material(stiffness, poisson, density, *args, **kwargs)[source]

create a material with transverse isotropic properties


poisson ratios are in international notation. The first index points to the causing strain. The second index points to the resulting strain.

  • density (float) – material density in \frac{g}{cm^3}
  • stiffness (dict) – dictionary of material stiffnesses in \frac{N}{mm^2}
  • poisson (dict) – material poisson ratios
  • strength (dict) – dictionary of material strengths in \frac{N}{mm^2}

material with isotropic properties

Return type:



This module holds possible material laws

class material_mechanics.materials.material_law.HookesLaw(stiffness, poisson, *args, **kwargs)[source]

representation of Hookes Law of elasticity for two- and three-dimensional stress states in materials


poisson ratios are in international notation. The first index points to the causing strain. The second index points to the resulting strain.

  • stiffness (List or tuple of lists or tuples of floats) – List or tuples of pairs of stiffness values. Each pair holds the stiffness in a major axis of the material and the shear stiffness in the plane perpendicular to that axis. ((\sigma_{11}, G_{23}) for the 1-direction)
  • poisson (List or tuple of lists or tuples of floats) – List or tuples of pairs of poisson ratios. each pair holds the two poisson ratios perpendicular to a major material axis. So the first entry holds (\nu_{23}, \nu_{32}).

returns the compliance matrix for three-dimensional stress states

Returns:compliance matrix (6x6)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

returns the compliance matrix for two-dimensional stress states

Returns:compliance matrix (3x3)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

returns the stiffness matrix for three-dimensional stress states

Returns:stiffness matrix (6x6)
Return type:numpy.ndarray

returns the stiffness matrix for two-dimensional stress states

Returns:stiffness matrix (3x3)
Return type:numpy.ndarray



This module provides all necessary tools to calculate the two- and three dimensional puck material exertions of fiber reinforced plastics. For further reading and details on the theory please check out the refereed literature.


[Sch07](1, 2) German H. Schürmann, Konstruieren mit Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden. Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
[Puc04](1, 2) English A. Puck and H. Schürmann, “Failure analysis of FRP laminates by means of physically based phenomenological models,” Fail. Criteria Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Compos., pp. 832–876, Jan. 2004.
[Puc02](1, 2) English [1] A. Puck, J. Kopp, and M. Knops, “Guidelines for the determination of the parameters in Puck’s action plane strength criterion,” Compos. Sci. Technol., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 371–378, Feb. 2002.
class material_mechanics.strength.puck.PuckStrengthSet(material, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Class providing the necessary methods to calculate the Puck Criterion

For further details please check [Sch07] [Puc04] [Puc02]

  • material (FiberReinforcedPlastic) – composite material for the puck strength criterion
  • p_plp (float) – (optional) slope parameter p_{\perp\parallel}^+, default: 0.27
  • p_plm (float) – (optional) slope parameter p_{\perp\parallel}^-, default: 0.27
  • p_ppp (float) – (optional) slope parameter p_{\perp\perp}^+, default: 0.3
  • p_ppm (float) – (optional) slope parameter p_{\perp\perp}^-, default: 0.35
  • m_sf (float) – (optional) magnification factor m_{\sigma,f} for fiber strain \varepsilon_{1} due to perpendicular stress (\sigma_{2}, \sigma_{3}), default: 1.1
get_fiber_exertion(stress_vector, *args, **kwargs)[source]

returns fiber strain for provided stress vector

  • stress_vector (numpy.ndarray) – stress vector in fiber coordinate system (\sigma_{11}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{33}, \sigma_{23}, \sigma_{31}, \sigma_{21})
  • precision (int) – (optional) number of decimal points to which to return the calculated fiber exertion, default is 2

fiber strain

get_max_inter_fiber_exertion(stress_vector, *args, **kwargs)[source]

returns the maximum inter fiber strain and the angle of the plane in which it occurs

  • stress_vector (numpy.ndarray) – stress vector in th fiber coordinate system (\sigma_{11}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{33}, \sigma_{23}, \sigma_{31}, \sigma_{21})
  • precision (int) – (optional) number of decimal points to which to return the calculated inter-fiber exertion, default is 2
  • angle_precision (int) – (optional) number of decimal points to which to calculate the angle of the plane in which maximum strain occurs, default is 2


  • maximum inter fiber strain
  • angle of plane in which maximum strain occurs

inter_fiber_exertion(stress_vector, theta)[source]

calculates the inter-fiber exertion in the plane defined by the angle \Theta

  • stress_vector (numpy.ndarray) – stress in fiber coordinates (\sigma_{11}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{33}, \sigma_{23}, \sigma_{31}, \sigma_{21})
  • theta (float) – angle defining the plane in radians

inter fiber exertion

puck_exertion_2d(stress_vector, *args, **kwargs)[source]

calculates the puck exertions under the assumption of a two-dimensional stress state

For details on the meaning of the parameters s and m, please check [Sch07] [Puc04] [Puc02]

  • stress_vector (numpy.ndarray) – stress vector in fiber coordinate system (\sigma_{11}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{33}, \sigma_{23}, \sigma_{31}, \sigma_{21})
  • s (float) – (optional) fraction of fiber exertion at which \sigma_{11} starts to influence damage initiation
  • m (float) – (optional) minimal value of \eta_w at which damage due to fiber and inter-fiber exertion simultaniously occur.
  • ret_type (str) – (optional) sets the return format for the results (‘tuple’, ‘array’, ‘dict’), default is ‘tuple’
  • precision (int) – (optional) number of decimal points to which to return the calculated exertions, default is 2

fiber exertion (fe_fb), inter-fiber exertion without \sigma_{11} influence (fe_0), inter-fiber exertion including \sigma_{11} influence (fe_1), fracture mode (mode)


  • ’tuple’ (default): tuple(fe_fb, fe_0, fe_1, mode)
  • ’array’: tuple(np.array([fe_fb, fe_0, fe_1]), mode)
  • ’dict’: dict(fe_fb=fe_fb, fe_0=fe_0, fe_1=fe_1, mode=mode)

material_mechanics.strength.puck.find_min_stress_angle(func, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Find the minimal value of the provided function

  • func (function) – function to be minimized
  • precision (int) – (optional) sets the number of decimal points to which the angle is to be calculated, default is 0
  • offset (float) – (optional) sets the offset used in the provided func, default is 1.0

material_mechanics.strength.puck.get_laminate_exertions(laminate, line_loads, *args, **kwargs)[source]

calculates the material exertion of every layer of the laminate from the laminate loads.

The provided laminate loads (line_loads) are presumed to be line loads in \frac{N}{mm} and line moments in N, defined in the laminate coordinate system. The function returns maximum values for the fiber and inter-fiber exertions of all layers as well as a list of dicts, holding details for every layer. Every dictionary in the results list has the following entries:

  • fb: fiber-exertion
  • zfb_0: inter_fiber exertion without the influence of fiber parallel stress
  • zfb_1: inter_fiber exertion including the influence of fiber parallel stress
  • mode: the fracture mode as defined by Puck
  • stress: The stress in the layer in layer coordinates
  • strain: The strain in the layer in layer coordinates
  • laminate (Laminate) – a laminate object
  • line_loads (numpy.ndarray) – an array of line loads

a tuple consisting of

  • maximum fiber exertion in any layer in the laminate
  • maximum inter-fiber exertion in any layer in the laminate
  • a list of dicts holding the results of every layer

Return type:


material_mechanics.strength.puck.get_stress_transformation_matrix(theta, theta_in_deg=False)[source]

returns a stress transformation matrix that transforms a stress vector from fiber coordinates into a strength plane with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane.

  • theta (float) – rotation angle
  • theta_in_deg (bool) – flag for parameter theta. If true unit of theta is assumed to be degree if not radians.

transformation matrix

Return type:



functions, symmetry)[source]

Enforce symmetry in a given matrix

  • matrix (numpy.ndarray) – matrix with equal number of rows and columns
  • symmetry (str or None) –

    method of symmetry enforcement.


    • None: No symmetry is being enforced
    • ’upper’: upper-right elements are mirrored to lower-left elements (n_{ij} = n_{ji}; \; if: i>j)
    • ’upper’: lower-left elements are mirrored to upper-right elements (n_{ij} = n_{ji}; \; if: i<j)
    • ’upper’: upper-right elements are mirrored to lower-left elements (n_{ij} = \frac{n_{ji}+n_{ij}}{2}; \; if: i \neq j)

returns a 2d strain transformation matrix that transforms a global strain vector to a strain vector in fiber coordinates with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane.

Parameters:theta – rotation angle
Returns:transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray)[source]

returns a 3d strain transformation matrix that transforms a global strain vector to a strain vector in fiber coordinates with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane.

Parameters:theta – rotation angle
Returns:transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray), z)[source]

returns the local strain interpolated from two given stresses

  • global_strains
  • z – location at which stress should be calculated

Stress at z location[source]

returns a stress transformation matrix that transforms a stress vector from fiber coordinates into a strength plane with a normal orientation perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Theta defines the angle to the perpendicular orientation in the laminate plane.

Parameters:theta – rotation angle
Returns:transformation matrix (numpy.ndarray)